In this eight-part world-level message, Yahweh shares what is moving into the future. Not only will Satan reign on Earth for a time, but he will also see Grace bring power into the outlets of natural ways and produce a great soul harvest. Healing rooms, world-level shaking—all to prepare the world for the return of Christ.

May 28, 2020
There will be a season where Satan reigns on this earth with his demon-filled servant. You are ready to share this major eight-part message into the earth to shift the era to bring into natural living the Age of the Antichrist. Who has a firm understanding of the way Satan will reign from the earth? No human living has that level of evil in their presentation. Without Satan’s general Pure Evil, there will not be a full revealing of Satan’s servant.
Even the worst evil leaders from throughout time—they have not given out Satan’s greatest level of his general named Pure Evil. Even now, Pure Evil gives his infiltration into the natural realm through various plans subtly overlooked. It is time to give out Yahweh’s will concerning a new era scheduled to lead before the Church is removed into eternal living with King Jesus.
—Gabriel, an angel under Yahweh’s Kingdom
October 31, 2020
All religions will bow to Satan. Satan will make himself as a lower-case god for the people to worship. If you are Muslim, Christian, Jew, or any group, your religious ways will be removed during the Age of the Antichrist. All nations, all world powers, will be broken, and the world will bow down to Satan’s world leader. And the demon named Pure Evil will push forward Satan’s agenda. Whatever movie you have seen that is filled with evil, imagine the greatest horrors lived out on film and in real living ways. Satan will not yield to any human.
There will be no way to escape, for demons will see you, and you will pay dearly, even if you serve Satan. No witch or warlock will have special privileges, including you, Satan’s bride. I know that you have sought me in my private living ways. And the notice that I share is given to bring your followers a warning that no further visits are given in the old plan. Those naïve ones will one day see better. Here is a more straightforward way to see how Satan will reign when Yahweh gives that way.
February 27, 2024
3:06 p.m.
The Church era is ending. How can that be so? There needs to be a new way that will give way to the Age of the Antichrist to bring forward the Second Coming. Power, not natural wealth, is the real power way. Drink it deep within and no longer look at the distractions. What is Yahweh’s real plan: to preach the Kingdom and prepare the world for the return of God Yahweh, King Jesus. Look at the way they will come forward: new ways of preparation not based on canon words but based on an active plan to bring forward a new era and prepare the Bride for the Second Coming. Take a look at it. Why are there so many false prophets? To bring a distraction for when a real power way will come from Yahweh.
Take a look. The charismatic way took a leading way over the short season. But look at why. There is coming an actual shutting off of the old church way, making room for the era of the antichrist. The spirit realm will take on a resemblance of a graceless power way. And that will bring instant death for dishonor to Yahweh.
This is why a servant named Seersgate is yielded to give the will in a message, not to a church gathering but to a world-level platform to the whole world. See it? The Age of the Antichrist is world-level and needs a surging to declare this new way for the world. And the Church currently is tempering how the level of evil takes over the world. A stripping away must take way. The Church must stand back and be removed. And Israel will be dealt with again.
April 16, 2022
12:05 p.m.
You sit in a room with demons surrounding you. All around you, the demons stay and watch this. But what is the way you were told to go? I wanted to show you what a strain of Pure Evil would look like. Let Me explain this to the people. Videos and movies give a taste of Pure Evil. There are literally levels of evil, where there are just tastes of how its nature goes out.
Imagine this: you watch a movie, and it is a PG-rated movie. There is a scene where they show an “off-scene” murder. It’s as if you watched a movie from the early 1930s or ‘40s, and the only part of death that is seen is the person lying on the floor, no blood showing, no wound on the body—just a body lying there. Your mind does not visualize the scene, nor are you tormented in your mind with seeing that scene play out over and over.
Servant, but what if it’s Pure Evil? How many levels of evil can spew through? What about Pure Evil? The demons surround you at this moment, yet there is a shield surging from your prophet’s mantle. You are under a heavy way of protection, and even in a situation as this, there is no power greater than My surging. And as a prophet in Yahweh’s Kingdom, your power way is an extension from My hand. Your surging is literally connected to Me, and there is a shield, a surrounding in the spirit realm that is like a natural coating but spiritually based.
What is one main problem with My people? They say, “Yahweh must keep us safe because He promises to do so.” And yet they tempt Me with dare games: “Yahweh, if you’re real, You would let me view whatever I want and keep out all the bad nightmares. Satan isn’t as powerful, so I know I don’t have to worry about any torment. I’m a child of Yahweh.” And yet they do not look and see it: the human body is a territory, a place of land, or dust.
(17) And to Adam He said,
“Because you have listened to the voice of your wife
and have eaten of the tree
of which I commanded you,
‘You shall not eat of it,’
cursed is the ground because of you;
in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;
(18) thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you;
and you shall eat the plants of the field.
(19) By the sweat of your face
you shall eat bread,
till you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken;
for you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.”
—Genesis 3:17-19 ESV
The human body comes from the ground, servant. See how I am not letting you view what is playing? The eye gates are the most powerful outlet on the human body. Whatever nature enters your spirit through viewing it will greatly be an influence within your spirit. In a great deal of Hollywood movies, the scenes are covered with murder. The demon of murder is a heavily laced nature trait, a spirit surging under Satan’s kingdom that has laced every form of entertainment. People laugh off murderous acts, watching them with a glazed-over look to the point of being bored.
But what is the nature of Pure Evil? Many can take in an abusive act. They can watch someone punch someone over and over till there are broken bones. They can watch someone get mangled in a car accident or watch a hero firefighter or service member rescue that person in distress. They are able to stand by and watch people get tormented on social media in a “gentle” way until their conscience is seared.
But what is Pure Evil? A prince demon in Satan’s governing. This satanic government refers to worldly ways, not Yahweh’s Kingdom order, which overrules all when placed first. Servant, Pure Evil, is the literal opposite nature of the Spirit of Yahweh, the Great Way with you. See how the people can literally take in levels of surgings from Yahweh, yet those who engage in Satan’s nature can indeed taste levels of Pure Evil.
Someone may watch a movie that has someone lose an arm in an accident, and they view the gore. Some would see someone mutilated, and they can enjoy the scenes as if they are watching a Christmas holiday movie.
And yet some who are gentle in what they view, they can barely handle an off-scene murder. The eerie sounds and the dark scenes will be enough to bring trauma and sleepless nights. These are virgins in their way of Pure Evil. But then they taste an indoctrination ceremony through watching a horror movie that they feel will not be as bad as they think. They view Murder in the same range as Pure Evil, yet they are two very distinct traits.
Murder: The murder trait is the literal act of killing, to kill in any form by any method. Those who commit murder may use an object (device, instrument), a vehicle, or their bare hands. The objective is to take away the living plan. That is the goal of murder: to take life.
Pure Evil: Literally wants to destroy the temple (human body) through mutilative acts that cause torment. The torment comes in viewing a person being shredded apart, bled out, skinned, eaten, and so on. Whatever can bring a destructive action to the actual temple, the body. Satan’s goal is to destroy the body, but Pure Evil wants to bring the greatest torment within, and Satan uses entertainment to yield a taste of Pure Evil.
Satan uses Pure Evil in his reigning of torture on Earth through the natural antichrist man. And now, Satan is preparing the world by bringing a dulling of the conscience, making people enjoy watching others receive torment through watching it or dealing with it in their own bodies. People are killing people over road rage. Some are doing torment when they kill. Instead of just killing to kill, the wicked person takes a new level and puts in a strain of Pure Evil by stripping the flesh, cannibalism, or mutilation leading during the killing.
Pure Evil doesn’t want Yahweh to gain any glory in the human, and isn’t Scripture clear that the body of the believer is the temple of Yahweh? And this is why the entertainment world leads as an entryway to setting up the antichrist, the literal ways of how the nature surges.
Imagine the Church Era being called the season of Pure Evil, where everywhere you go, there are Christians hung up on a rack, alive still, while they are being skinned in front of a watching, cheering happily crowd of demon-filled mark-wearing worshippers of Satan. If the people would only see: the mark of the beast gives Satan an entryway, a rite of passage to take over their temple and seal them into eternity. Put the Scripture, servant.
(9) And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, (10) he also will drink the wine of God's wrath, poured full strength into the cup of His anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. (11) And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
—Revelation 14:9-11 ESV
Look at that, servant. Satan loves the action of cannibalism. Satan loves when people eat human waste. Satan wants to see a person self-mutilate. Satan wants people to mangle others, torture them and keep them living. Steal, kill, and destroy. And those who take the mark that Satan’s groomed image gives, they are doomed, a permanent sealing, even while living.
Pure Evil works with Murder. Murder is a steppingstone. And once Satan gains the people a conscience that is seared, Satan opens the doorway for a rite of passage, where people will accept any action on TV and say it is okay. And once the minds start to sync with a strain of Pure Evil—just a little taste—they can be slowly overturned.
I want to show you what is weakening the Church. See how you are writing? This is how they wrote Scripture. I know saying that will automatically place you as a heretic. But this is what an actual prophet does: say the Word of the Lord. Every prophet of old gave words from Yahweh’s mouth, a covenant that solidified what purpose Yahweh says. And yet people would say they are a prophet but carry no surging to speak My plan. So be it.
I will now show you why the real Church is powerless. In bold caps: A LACK OF READING THE WORD, MEDITATING ON SCRIPTURE. Put that Scripture here:
(1) I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. (2) Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
—Romans 12:1-2 ESV
A Dream
May 8, 2023
5:55 a.m.
They say they are wondering what is happening and why there are so many shootings, killings, road rage, and racially motivated attacks. Doesn’t anyone have the level of wisdom that a world-level prophet would have in her mantle? I gave a real way of seeing. The food way will take on a different base. It’s now mainly chicken and beef and other sourcing out, but it is in the future: human.
Here in the quick dream, a grandpa came to visit. And they welcomed him into their place to see the grandchildren. Grandpa was made into the dinner entrée. The utensils to slice him up and ground him were readily made available. The other family member went to the kitchen to clean, and without a second thought about what meat they ate, the teenager gave a complaint: “Why do I have to clean it? All of these cookware parts.”
The way of Pure Evil is already taking a leading in society. Pure Evil is one of Satan’s leading demons. And Pure Evil is already stripping away the moral fiber in My tester nation. I see the shootings. I see how hate is brewing. I see an increase in crime. I will not say that any non-human or object without a soul has a leading. I will say that evil men and evil women are using objects to kill, and they blame objects for their killing actions.
“Get rid of a gun.”
“Get rid of a hammer.”
“Stop driving vehicles.”
“Stop dating another race.”
These are fear elements that will have a leading place and take the focus off of where change needs to be.
Relatives will soon be the target. First, it starts with jealousy and envy, then hit murders and revenge killings. Stealing spouses and lying about DNA tests were the early days of hurtful sinning, but now, how the demons will manifest is by a power way of torment, mutilation, and a heavy way of cannibalism. The easier influences from video games and horror ways of TV and other entertainment are preparation markers. Don’t fear what will happen to the outer temple. What’s going to happen to your spirit, soul, and body?
Can anyone stop the hate crime? Can anyone put a hedge of protection around children ringing the wrong doorbell or women driving into the wrong driveway and getting bullets placed within? Can anyone save a young lady entering the wrong parked car, who then ended up shot for her innocent mistake? Is it about the weapon of choice, or is it the soul to have held accountable?
How can a young child have the racist nature of a grown man or woman in the 1950s? O____ is giving movies that stir racial conflict, using civil war marches to keep the Black race hating the White race. Movies and TV shows showing slave ships’ schematics cause a stirring within to hate what was never done within those of today.
I will not have a segregated Heaven. There will not be your denomination in Heaven, so why have burial grounds with one denomination in one part of the cemetery and another in another section? There will not be a Black or White church in Heaven, and your racial way within your DNA will not determine if you enter Heaven or burn in the lake of fire for all eternity. Your outer temple, your fleshly shell (body), will not weigh where We (Yahweh) place you.
The hating way is not in Yahweh’s nature. Separating churches by race is not Yahweh’s way of governing under Kingdom order.
Here We say it plainly: The meat supply could be wiped out in a literal month if Satan has a leading way based in Yahweh’s plan of giving that placement. But why? To have Satan’s world leader take the stage and bring a false unified way of peace. Satan can literally give world-level sickness to humans and animals.
Pay close attention; Yahweh always gives mercy and warnings. Are you heeding a warning from the dream given?
I will give world-level healing of body, soul, and spirit: natural healing and spirit-based salvation. A traveling healing room during street ministry and within church visits will give tester placements in this current nation. Then, We—Yahweh—will build outer placements (healing room buildings) to store My way of great power of a potent plan so that humans will not all die in instant ways from coming too close to My Holy of Holies placement.
The end is not yet.
What is going on with all the murderous actions seen in the news? Just a little temper tantrum. Satan is bringing on distractions due to not wanting Yahweh to bring a filtering to his nature. Satan, the fallen archangel, doesn’t want Me (Yahweh) to move into Las Vegas.
Your heart should be broken. What can Yahweh bring on in the Age of the Antichrist but death to those who are in Yahweh? What is the Age of the Antichrist? Who has a firm grasp on the torment he will leash out upon the earth? Where does the evil flow out of? Who has a firm grasp on Satan’s nature? Even those who serve Satan are blinded by the lies he tells as if he will be loving to those who give him allegiance.
What is the Age of the Antichrist? It’s where the Great Way gives Satan a time to reign without hindering ways. As I state that, your soul crumbles, and your whole way breaks because you taste of visions of the evil that will be loosed on this natural earth. Where is Yahweh in the midst of the way of the Age of the Antichrist? He’s still leading people into the Kingdom of Yahweh, but a yielding will be given into the great way of tribulation, where it will be a time of great torture, slavery, and pure hatred and evil ways on the earth.
The Church Age would have ended. Millions and millions, removed from the earth. The buried dead raised up, and God’s way in His Church would be under His protection. The way of the antichrist is worse than any horrible nature a movie director/producer can present on film. Here is this taste of the Age of the Antichrist. Who will be able to stand?
There will be a way of materialization of Satan’s evil ways with his demons. They will appear a fleshly presentation and will rape, mutilate, and rip away human flesh just for fun. There will be a torture known as peel-a-part, where any sign of rebellion will have the punishment of seeing a loved one or friend skinned alive. No death will be granted in this form of punishment.
The devil wants to make humans beg for his love and will take their whimpering worship as a way to defy Yahweh. Satan cares nothing about the people. He only wants to steal, kill, and destroy. When the Age of the Antichrist comes forward, no one can hide unless Yahweh blinds the force of evil. Imagine trying to hide from a force you cannot see with natural vision. Where can you run and hide? Without a mark of the beast, surely, you are treading on your last few days unless there is an intervention.
What plan should be expected of the Christian martyr? Beheading. That will seem like an easy way to death when it comes to the prospect of being skinned alive and still taking on years of living, with being continually skinned by Satan’s worshippers. Cannibalism is a favorite treat of Satan, and eating the person while still living is fun to him. Satan will not kill the human if he knows more worship will come from them while alive until he has exhausted their fleshly resources. Think about the way of these human leaders that most fear. They are weak and gentle in the way of the antichrist, who will bring all nations down and abase before him.
You had to be a woman and this world-level prophet to have a different presentation than Satan’s plan. You were raped by Satan and filled with a legion of demons, yet you are sane and not foaming at the mouth. Why? I did not give you over to the legion. If I did, they would have placed you in a mental facility or doped you up on antidepressants and suicide watch medication—all due to you viewing that mummy movie that gave a platform presentation to the demon named Set.
I warn you: you cannot let Satan into your territory on purpose. We here—Yahweh—must lead all spiritual engagement. Demons—they can look human. They can depress, oppress, and bring a major possession. You are a human weapon who has forty angels in your Angelic Guard. There is a host of angels near in the heavenly realm who protect from unseen threats in nearby lands.
You will be what We have spoken, and there will be such a great surging flowing from you that the demons will cry out of the host as you come near their way. Satan is making plans to send witches and warlocks to your current location so that he can learn of Our secret talks with you. There is such a great surging of My power flowing within your spirit that even now, people choose not to come close to your way.
We will move forward with presentation. This is no longer your way of duty training. The Houston plan is done with, and the return here was pushed so that your husband can find love with his family. I move within humans so that they can keep a governing platform on the earth. I do not need to release your husband from his home here. There will now be Yahweh backing the whole world work. You must let the people know that now is the time to serve King Jesus and to renounce Satan. Death takes the human from natural living, and then eternity leads.
There is a three-year presentation period. Your three-year presentation starts on Christmas Day 2021. When the three years are done with, if you are still here in this old plan, I will remove you from your work for ten more years. And I will not grant a taste of My power in that removal phase. Will you come under covenant with Yahweh and be in the settlement location, way before the end of the three years? When will I start a new plan of transition? Today. But today, We will say that Virginia is not the final hub way.
I want to show you more about the way Satan will lead in the Age of the Antichrist.
No one knows the strength that an archangel would have. Satan has power delegated from his creation. There is a great misconception with the churches. They think they can pretend that Satan is not real, and he will leave them alone. They have a blinded view, filtered in their way of culture and spiritual upbringing. They choose to stand there and let Satan steal, kill, and destroy the work of their hands. They blame the Great Yahweh for every pain, suffering, or inflicted way.
You have seen Satan. You have dealt with Satan during many visits, but you have been sheltered from his true way. It would shock you greatly to deal with Satan in his true state. And that is the reason for the spiritual filters upon his nature. I am sending you to the Hell to get the remaining portions of the report. I have to shelter you from the full presentation of the Hell so that you will not be in natural and spiritual sickness from the experience.
When Satan comes forward upon the earth without hindrance, he will be under his own plan within that time to take over and conquer. He will have human traits in presentation. He will be a materialized way, and they will worship him. The will of Satan will be to use the world as a playground. Humans will be discarded as useless trash. Satan will bring every nation down and rule as if he is the one who gave every human breath to stay living. Every main nation will be abased. Great turmoil will lead during the Age of the Antichrist. The great divide of race will shift to a spiritual war, and those who win will yield and take the mark of the beast.
What movie today gives a clear showing of what the age of terror will be like? They give stories of humans fighting a mean human, but it should be clear they will be in a run for their lives against spirits that cannot be seen or heard. Satan will use his demons as his real weapon to shield himself.
What will Yahweh be doing during the Age of the Antichrist? Doesn’t Revelation state activities in Heaven? Aren’t major wars taking place? Isn’t the anger seen through natural signs with Yahweh’s mighty hand in that space of natural time? Imagine a dog in a person’s yard, unchained, freely running in circles. And see how that same animal is unable to run around into any other area while under the owner’s territory. You can see how Satan runs around the earth, given a short leash to attack and spew out certain threats and poisonous plans upon the natural earth.
You are also aware that Satan and his demons torment those who died in their sins and sit in Hell, awaiting judgment that will doom them to the lake of fire. Where is Satan ruling from? Where is his actual throne? In the Hell, within the center of the earth. And during the reign in the Age of the Antichrist, Satan will build up a powerful way of tyrant ways and will bring down every earthly ruler who opposes his plan to wage war against Yahweh. It is a building up to the moment when King Jesus stands on the Mount of Olives.
Satan actually thinks he will win with this plan in having the antichrist conquer for a season. Who will be able to stand in that terrible time? Who will willingly rebel against Satan when they know that unseen spirits will report their actions? Who will take the plan of Kingdom citizenship with Yahweh when they can look at Satan, materialized and willingly bringing down whole nations with plagues and natural destruction?
These movies of today—they are inaccurate. They are pretending that the spirit realm doesn’t exist. They cannot fathom that their own way of living can be removed and replaced with a world leader who is of greater evil than any from the past. Come under King Jesus now before it’s too late. Do not think that a ruler of this magnitude of evil will never be released. It is already all moving into ways to build Satan’s will with a removal of Kingdom culture and authority.
Isn’t Yahweh merciful to give a world-level prophet who has been trained for over thirty years in spiritual shifts? Isn’t the Great God I AM hearing the prayers of His people by sending a stream of great power that will bring His healing realm in glory potency here on Earth? Isn’t Yahweh faithful?
World Prophet Seersgate, build a way to walk in creative healing with the blue power stream that comes straight from the throne in Heaven. Bring the Kingdom of God into every realm and region. Bring Kingdom culture into every natural outlet. Share King Jesus with the world. You will now be removed from the hidden way.
We give great infiltration to build in this three-year presentation era. You must be in the new plan within the three-year presentation. And if you yield and stay in this old region, there will be a ten-year punishment. And with your world-level status, We will strip you of your work, of your mantle, and of all delegated authority and make you wander in Satan’s form of torment. But you will not yield to Satan’s way of speaking through others. You must take a place in your position and be under Kingdom order. You are ready to take your place. Build enough wealth to avoid dragging any with you. Let the work lead in your spirit. Let the world prophet see a level of the spirit realm that was previously kept hidden.
Let great followings take over. No more pretending to be a regular worker without a major work. You will never have a white picket fence living. There is great major warfare awaiting you. You will take on training in Virginia and build up in various lands as We give them. You have a time to report in. You will do a great work. We will prepare you. Tell them about this new way. The Age of the Antichrist is real, and it will be a time of great terror.
November 21, 2021
There are a lot of places where We would like to have a building-up plan, but the world doesn’t cater to a natural government. What will the world follow? There is a way to transfer My power into the whole world through one natural land. Didn’t Satan beg you not to move there?
June 6, 2023
3:12 p.m.
Finally, you can see it. You cannot build without power. No amount of wealth can bring it. No rich person can bring supernatural healing. Yahweh is the only way. Let him buy. If that’s the plan, would he put a halt to Me like he did in the previous years? Power will be your middle name, and Seersgate will have the reputation of having great power. He cannot stop Me. “Let me build wherever Yahweh chooses.” That should be your heart plan. Give him what he chooses. I will not hold it against your way. See how I dealt with the children of Israel when they didn’t feel the need to take My word and follow it?
I showed you how White families will be treated in the Age of the Antichrist. A person’s race will not carry merit during that horrible period. No human will be able to buy or sell with a false mark, as the movies proclaim. Why is the way false with earthly movies? There is not just a mark on the body; there’s a spiritual possession in those who are sealed. No one can fake the mark of the beast. It’s spiritual, and it will have a permanent sealing that is represented with an earthly mark on the right hand or the forehead. And Satan will know if they have the mark of the beast based on what spirit lives in the body of the one who is buying or selling.
The antichrist will carry great surgings of evil that will spew into the ones who claim their allegiance. Allegiance has a clear presentation based on how they submit to kingdom order in Satan. No one can fake it, being a part. White families will not feel more special than any other family. Race will not matter. Only the way of religion will be what keeps that family alive. What “god” is first in that person’s way—that will be weighed. A person’s age will not protect them either. What “god” is first in the people is weighed.
I saw them walking in the walls, trying to escape. I saw them hiding in homes, trying to live just as if they are with the natural leader. The Holocaust will look like a way of inconvenience compared to how the antichrist will lead over the masses. Every nation will be abased. There will not be any super nation. World power will be dissolved. How will the antichrist abase superpower nations? By spiritual warfare.
It’s not a battle of flesh and blood. It’s a major battle with spirits. Who will run and take cover from major plagues and wipeouts of nations from epidemics? Who can wage war against a demon with a level of power like an archangel when Yahweh gives a way? Who can bring their level of power and say they will deliver the power when Yahweh gives no power? Who can stand up against Satan’s power without power from God? God will give Satan a season to trample over all living. There will be a great wailing in the earth where the way in torture will be surely great. Who will be able to stand? Who can say they are delivered? Who will walk the local streets and tell anyone about the Great King Jesus when the Age of the Antichrist begins?
There will be a season of mercy in the Age of the Antichrist, where healing rooms are built, and God allows all who will come to take in His great healing. In that same way, where there is a breaking for the Church, rapture will lead, and all that will be here will be deep evil in the earth. Even after I gave the order to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, I gave a way of escape by looking for at least ten righteous persons. I had to make Lot’s family leave that horrible will before the raining down of judgment. I had to make a plan of escape for Noah and his family when I gave the judgment to fill the earth with water.
I am declaring an Age of the Antichrist with this spirit shifting but will bring great mercy in the land with healing tabernacles. Will there be a season where the mercy ends? Yes, it will all come to an end, and the demon named Pure Evil will take center stage and give the spirit of the antichrist with deep surgings.
There are literally levels of evil.
You have seen Me explain it, with illustration, with how the movies are shifting to drink Pure Evil, in new levels. There is a lack of respect for human life, and these people of various ages are taking human life without remorse. There is a disregard for human life. And the world is already starting to drink Pure Evil.
The level of work given into building up the first healing room will not be as hard as it seems. They will beg for the first healing room when Yahweh starts to give out great power. When Yahweh gives out His great power in the earth, the streets will be filled with the sick, begging to be healed.
When Yahweh gives His power into the earth, there will be great delivering ways, with great signs, wonders, and miracles.
Feel it; your purpose is clear for preparing the way of the Lord. Your Street Ministry stage will usher in the craving for the first healing room. With the surging power in a covenant with Yahweh, there will not be any greater work than bringing a world-level awareness to the existence of the Great King Jesus.
There will not be a way to feel Kingdom surgings when the Church is removed. Now is the time to bring the King’s will forward into the earth so that the way is given to bring in a great world harvest. World: come under Kingdom order and take in the healing room plan. Give the Great King’s will a place of leading ways in the earth. Bring Kingdom order forward. Let Yahweh build up a mighty platform in the earth.
Here is the Great Yahweh giving a major way of power. Let power take over and give your platform for the building-up power plan. I will give the great wealth through those avenues Yahweh chooses. Artwork and other details in super ways of spiritual engagement will begin. With great power, is there anything too hard for Yahweh? You are seeing well. And I know that they will want you to build healing rooms all over. Will I grant it? It will come in a certain time frame.
But first, let the people know of your Great Yahweh. What happened to all the other locations? I will need to bring the people a new way of feeling My power. You must prepare. The world is turning greater in ways of evil. Now is the time to bring the Great King’s will in provision, protection, and power into the earth. Stand firm in your Great King’s will. I will always keep My will clear and stable.
You will witness healing such as never seen in church days of the early stages. Let Yahweh bring it to the surface. Bring Kingdom nature into earthly plans. Tell them more of the Age of the Antichrist. Who shall be able to stand?
It may not be as easy as the TV makes it seem. Demons will walk the earth without restraint—a time of great terror. Hiding in the dark will not prevent enslavement. Satan will not use humans to do his greatest bidding. Satan will use his demons, and they will walk the earth as materialized, to show their true nature, to bring in great fear to all who would see them.
Imagine walking outdoors and seeing creatures of different shapes and sizes, not looking a human form of presentation. Imagine Satan walking the earth, materialized. No one will be able to escape without intervention. See those who try to escape the mark? See how they hang on meat hooks as if in a butcher’s meat shop. They will be skinned alive in front of cheering crowds.
Imagine looking at a family member placed up on a meat hook. Would you fear Satan? Would you long for death? See how they bow low to the earth as Satan comes on the stage. See how he is now a visible tyrant of pure hatred than any previous world leader. Guess who will lead as a prince. The demon named Pure Evil will be close, along with Murder. These are actual princes under Satan’s government. How dare these naïve producers, movie actors, and directors think that there will be any plan that will bring a glimpse of the Gospel on television during the Age of the Antichrist?
There will be a full release of demon influence and infiltration on the earth. How can those who are hiding from Satan ever hear the Gospel? Angels will be sent forward for the ones who are in the plan of drinking eternal way of life in King Jesus.
Satan will have his eyes and ears of spiritual outlets walking to and fro, searching for any who are living apart from Satan’s way. How will any be able to endure? The mark of the beast is more than a cosmetic tattoo; it is a spiritual transfer of demon infiltration. Satan will mind wipe the people. They cannot buy or sell without having his literal covenant of sealing in eternal damnation.
Even right now on Earth, the crowds are drinking Pure Evil. Look at how they praise the people who make these horror films, with violence taking center stage.
Look at how I have placed up a spiritual dam in the spirit realm, keeping a glimpse of hope out there in this world of evil nature. What madness are the people drinking to think that Satan will be some idol in a virtual game. What madness is the Church drinking to think that Satan will not harm them in this world of evil.
I will give ways to drink a mercy plan, but when the antichrist is pushed forward, there will be a closing of grace, where judgment will take over. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth. Look it up and put the chosen Scripture right here:
Then I looked, and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!”
—Revelation 8:13 NASB
Satan will walk the earth as his true way. He will boast of hatred. He will not refer to a Christian as a hater, nor will he care about other religions and place them up on pedestals. The nature of Satan will be as a religion. What are they doing? Why can’t they see it? Why can’t they believe that there are unseen beings? Who am I referring to? The Church.
These people in church are the main social people group who cannot see it, that spirit beings are real. Here, those in New Age and Satan’s occult way have a firmer understanding of spirit dealings due to dabbling in sinful activities that take them into spiritual engagement, mostly with demons.
What about the Church? The Church, under My reporting way, drinks a will to stay under tradition. They say they will take in whatever Yahweh will present, yet they will not give a spiritual platform in work details. The whole work is filtered under religion and tradition. Why can’t the churches see the Kingdom as a whole? Is there unity in the Body of Yahweh? Is there one actual Body of King Jesus? There is one Body—one true Body—but not one Kingdom culture, for the people even now renounce the One True God and place up idols in place of where Yahweh should stand.
What is taking way with the Church? The people go through the motions a few hours each week. They barely have conversations with Me during the week, yet they expect Me to, magically, give them their heart’s desires. I am not a play toy. I am not a lowercase god. I AM WHO I AM.
Look at how the world works. The people go about their business, not seeing that I give them air to breathe. Who is like the Lord? What is the Church Age? The time to bring in a great harvest of souls. It’s a gathering plan to build up the Kingdom of God. It’s a time to work with the Great Holy Spirit in governmental dealings in earthly ways.
The Great Holy Spirit is here to bring a governmental order by working in the Christian.
Please see. The power of Yahweh is here on Earth right now, holding back a full release of evil. Pure Evil walks this earth, taking ways into the spirit world in the governing territory of Earth, to bring a deep hatred for human-to-human involvement. Have you noticed? There are uncanny resemblances to video game murders to humans killing humans. Have you noticed the increase in violent behavior as Pure Evil gives a greater influence on how movies present certain natures?
I am seeing a deeper evil shifting in social media ways, with killings in word and in action being yielded within the viewer’s way. Think about it, how just a few decades ago, a person could only present a certain nature within and with the people, and now, there is a real searing of how the people view sin. Now the movies make it appear that Heaven can exist, but they say that every good person will be able to be there. It’s the way Satan deceives. He gives a statement that can be seen as a truth, with bringing a hope that is not synced to Kingdom truth.
Why would God send any to a place of eternal torment? Does a human perceive good and evil based on seeing with a Great God’s view? Can a human understand creating the world? Can humans form life out of dirt? Then, what will I need to do to push this final way of mercy? Send a world-level prophet who will speak My will that deals with world-shaping shifts to bring forward a new era.
You wanted to serve Me from a young age. Seersgate, you have been waiting to hear Me say certain words to let you give out messages with authority. No other world-level prophet is here. Who else is given your work? What is your mission? Preach the Kingdom and prepare the world for the return of King Jesus. Didn’t John the Baptist bring a form of presentation? You will bring a world-level presentation to give healing rooms into the world.
I choose the tester nation of the United States to carry My first healing room. Power needs to lead within. Your whole way must drink this work. We will give you that first interview that will catapult the work way. We will take you through major shifts and changes that will prove you are the real way. We must give you a new power level to build with. I will take great care of My real worshipper—the one who worships Me in spirit and in truth.
I will give the way of escape. I will be here sooner than many think to get My worshippers and bring them to Me to enter our feast. I will be with the Body when the antichrist is in released governing in that great terrible way he brings his terror. And the ones who enter Kingdom eternal way of living will wait until that season ends. The door will be sealed shut, and I will not let that phase enter the feast. I will bring My Body of worshippers—those who escaped—to that meeting at the ending in the Age of the Antichrist. There will then be one thousand years in a tester field. And I will weigh the remaining field to see how the people will serve into eternity.
There will be a Great White Throne Judgment, and I will take a look at the name written and carry out the judgment that will not ever be broken. See how even in this Church Age, the human can take on death and be in the Heaven or Hell. And judgment hasn’t been fully weighed yet. What does that say? Can praying to dead followers of the Great King Jesus bring back the dead? Can there be certain rituals spoken that will bring a dead person from the dead? Even with a great Kingdom ministry, these Kingdom workers must work with the Great Way in all ways of natural work.
And even in this Church Age, the dead in Heaven or the Hell—they can be raised up from the dead at Yahweh’s command. What does that show? Judgment will be set in permanent ways when judgment ways in ruling take way. When is it for the believer? Upon death. Why when death begins? It’s because no sin can enter into Heaven through a human. Think about that way given: The redemptive work of the cross with the shedding of the blood of King Jesus literally covers the human and gives a way to enter Heaven and not have to wait in Paradise. King Jesus moved those who died before His crucifixion and resurrection way into the Heaven.
The dead, under the way of worshipping the One True God, were once in Paradise, in the center of the natural earth. But now, they are in Heaven. For the person who is dead and without salvation in King Jesus, they wait in the Hell, to rise up and receive permanent placing in the lake of fire. But what if Yahweh brings back a Christian? Would they tremble in fear for feeling that they would have to keep working out their own salvation with fear and with trembling? Who would be given that assignment? I would have to guarantee this will in My outcome coming forward.
I can raise any dead person. Let’s say there was a dead person in the Hell who I would bring back from the dead. And let’s say I gave them another chance to live under Kingdom order. Do you think that their eternity is shifted if they walk in Kingdom order and worship Yahweh? The dead in the Hell are not able to leave there and freely return to where the living move in. There would need to be such a great Kingdom power to raise a dead person and give them a way to serve King Jesus and take on natural death a second time as a new believer, to enter eternal living in Heaven.
What a power plan—raising up buried dead people in this new era. Is there anyone willing to let Yahweh give them painful experiential training to shape them into His vessel of service and be rejected? King Jesus was rejected, and He is All-Powerful, the One who holds all things together. Who can be sure of their Great King’s plan to raise up buried dead people if they have never seen a raising? Who can stand with Yahweh and tell these people of His plan to raise up buried dead people as a way to bring an awareness? An awareness of how the way has to be prepared for the Way King Jesus.
Prepare the way of the Messiah with great power from the blue power stream. Servant, you have been so faithful. All We have you move into doing, you have yielded and have taken a stand with Me. We will never let you falter. We will prove the active world message that you drink is truly a real word from your Great God Yahweh. After the fullness in presentation, you will enter a major level of street ministry and creative miracles work.
But before raising up buried dead people, We must make sure you have no fear of engaging any demon under any plan. You will be a powerful servant. All final tests are passed and completed. We walk you into your full three years to build the work platform. Be prepared to meet with Me in a new plan.
On Christmas 2027, you will be ready for the building up of healing rooms.
I can see it that your husband will move anywhere in the world, including a few short years to Paris, if—put “if” in bold—if there is a real proof that you can actually hear Yahweh speak. Now the plan is left in My care, and that is how I prefer.
I want to be the One who brings the ultimate plan forward. Just turn into the way of presentation. Get the books published. Give out “The Good News” and “What Jesus Came to Do” as translation work. Give audio teachings. Tell them how to expel demons. And as the three years come forward, the power from God’s Throne will lead, and more and more will turn to see what you have.
And I choose Gordon from the ministry outlet in Virginia Beach to have that privilege to interview your way. That interview is critical. I will start the Age of the Antichrist at the right timing. Tell him that I want to raise Paul Walker, Myles Munroe, and the singer Prince before I resurrect the dead, the two resurrections of Revelation. You understand.
Work for Me. I am not weak. I am a very powerful God who will back you. I promise. Wait for the way in the interview that will bring in the era of the Age of the Antichrist. But I have to send you without him so that there is no one who can blame you for ill actions in doing My will.
I bind Myself to My world prophet. It is real. And just as Apostle Thigpen said in that message from Me, you are a deliverer. Now, let’s get the work in order. So much to still give in this message here. Now drink another part of the message.
Servant, the people are hungry to know the true purpose of saying all that was spoken. Who can lead the people on the full work plan? Who can bring power into the Church? Servant, let Me speak with you in a clear way. You can name your book series Conversations with King Jesus, and we can sell a million copies by the Year 2025, within the first year. How? By giving the people notice of that work plan.
Servant, you are ready for a world way in presentation. It is very possible. You can stay here and work in a lower way in job title. Make that first $100,000 quickly. Advertise everywhere. Then we can go to be with his way and help him. Good.
You ready, servant? What if your God pushed that way forward? What if the Kingdom will is able to bring that forth? What if I start raising the buried dead without any backing from any plan of human structure? What if Kingdom order leads you? Powerful shifts can lead here in this full work detail.
Power, not money, is the real work way. And I will use natural power plans connected with Kingdom order to bring power forward for a full way. Power, not money, is the real way of building up a platform. And I will use the little pennies to build up power outlets that can turn the full earth under the full surging way.
The way of power is not how the Church operates. The power level comes from the real Head of the local Body by the way given in the Great Holy Spirit. The governing of the Church has to come from the Great Holy Spirit. Where is the disconnect within the local church? The power has been cut off, and spiritual slumber has taken over. And now the branches break with a little torture, rejection, persecution, and Satanic attack.
The water from Yahweh has ended within various parts of Christian culture, and the people hunt for food and wine but from occultic and fleshly outlets. There is so much work that needs to be given out into the world. There is a lack of physical touch that will bring healing and restoration.
There is a lack of power in the Church as a whole. What is hindering? The Church is afraid of being seen as different, peculiar, of God, not of the world. They fear the rejection of being different. These church people want the world to say they are doing a great job. They are creating churches that look like nightclubs and country clubs.
They beg the people to give their wealth so that they can build up social outlets so that the people find church appealing. They come in late because they don’t want to be forced to enter intimate details with Yahweh. They lust, steal, lie, abuse, cheat, and other Satan-natured ways, and they still expect Yahweh to give them a wishful income surplus to feed their flesh in a new level. They do not know Me.
Where is the true Church? Can you spot them from others? Can you point them out in a crowd? Why are these church people blending in with the world? There should be a different way in presentation. The true Church should smell a way of having clean hands and pure hearts. The Church would rather get attention from the social media detail instead of crying out to Yahweh for healing, delivering ways in Kingdom power.
Yahweh hears everyone. I do not hide. If they would humble themselves. If they would turn to Me and seek My face. If they would turn from their wicked ways. There could be real surgings of power unleashed within the children of Yahweh.
Church should appeal to the hurting, the wounded, the broken, the hungry. The true Church should flow in great power. The true Bride should smell like Yahweh and have the seal of God within. What will cause the Church to wake up? What will draw the people? Catering to their fleshly whim truly is not the answer to solving the way of spiritual poverty. What will draw all men? The transforming power of Yahweh.
Pride in how big your church is will not unleash power. Pride in what natural land the power is heard will not automatically bring Kingdom favor to your place of worship. With so many Christians following rituals, how will church people know what plan is the power shaping plan? Should all in the church run to various buildings, hoping that a weekend course will give them the wisdom that will discern spirit dealings?
Where is your spiritual church? And why aren’t they giving you your needed food to endure? Why are there ministries traveling just to steal the hearts of the members? Not all in this way of being spoken of are leading others astray. There are others holy unto the Lord who are sold out to Him. They beg for a fresh surging of power to take over the whole world.
For a great power level of this way to lead in earthly details, there must be a true submission to the way of the Great Way and the Great Holy Spirit. Local pastors need to yield to King Jesus over their fleshly way. Although the presence of God may lead in the church, within, there can still be a lack of the way in Kingdom purpose. For Yahweh may have His new covenant shifted to a new powerful outlet that will yield wholly.
Do not assume that God is in favor of your “heart” actions just because He is there.
“Well, how do we know that we’re going home towards Heaven on our spiritual way? What is a standing proof of a real relationship? What is proof of true Kingdom covenant relationship with Yahweh?” The fruit of the Great Holy Spirit, taking over that person, where the person walks and talks just as the company they sit with, in daily conversations.
People note a person’s mannerism and their culture in local presentation and would tell that person that they appear to have come from a particular family or area of a country. What about the Christian way of saying certain words, and other church attendees would know that they have some background in Christianity. Does saying the Christian words of church culture make a person a true follower of King Jesus? Does learning the prayer talk make a person join up in communion with the One True God?
Who is really saved? Those connected to the Vine. Does that mean that there is perfection? No. That way of being connected to the Way will bring power and cleansing as the old way is removed. There must be a covenant salvation power way, and the saved human must continually come and have a cleansing in the waters of God.
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Do not have a mentality that once one is saved, there is a power will to make that saved one stay. Yahweh will hold His children safe but will never take away the freedom to leave Him. Everyone who comes to Yahweh for healing in their way has a way that will allow that person to say within that they no longer desire a covenant relationship with the Great King Jesus.
No one can separate any from the love of Yahweh. No one can snatch any human from the salvation covenant. Grace makes some Christians think that sin can still be rampant and keep a deep fellowship with Yahweh. What does it say in our journal entry from the wilderness? Should there be boundaries in place that ward off the hunger to still live as if there are only vows without action?
God doesn’t need to prove He is the One True God. He is able to carry Himself in full presentation. Why should the Church begin to engage the spirit realm? God is Spirit, not a fleshly presentation. The realm of Heaven is a spirit way. The spiritual realm is more real in engagement than these fleshly actions. How will the Church begin to awaken? What will drive the nations to look into a church way that’s staying the same? Will wearing necklaces and earrings with crosses make the unchurched visit their church way? What is the needed attribute that will change the current of time? Power.
You must be awake to receive fresh oil. You must yield the heart of hatred and bitterness. Yield to Kingdom power. With submission comes a favor of Kingdom level. Not a striving but a release of the favor God has stored for those who are His. Submitting to the will of God under clean hands and a pure heart will bring forward a power level that awakens others.
Thinking that a movement of God in your life is a sign of well-being and favor is not accurate. God will always back up what covenant has an active plan. And if the covenant is joined to a certain person, land, or territorial entity, the outlet will reflect the Kingdom wealth by having provision, protection, and power.
Awaken, Church. The Age of the Antichrist is being pushed forward. Awaken. Let Yahweh strip away the fleshly way of church culture. Let Yahweh bring forth a new work. Tell the people of King Jesus by walking in Kingdom authority.
Your church title is not the fullest potential for you. Yield. Confess your sin of putting church people before the One True God as of greater importance. Welcome the Great Way and Great Holy Spirit each Sunday or Saturday before welcoming the commoners. Honor the King and place Him above all others. Clean your eye gates and your ear gates.
Take up a holy stand and come against sinful dealings. Stand up for the widows and the orphans. Speak what you really mean and not what you think will make you appear holier than you are. Humble yourself. Esteem others above yourself in King Jesus.
Learn the part of being ready to listen. Active obedience is the key to staying with the Master. Master Jesus is not the One who mistreats. The Master King Jesus is the One who will endure, who will bring a harvest forward from a desert land. Please sing a song of submission to the Great Master. Turn within and look no further to seeking to gain approval from Yahweh based on works. Turn within. Look for the work of God to commune to the world. Do not aim to gain a great following because of needing more income in the church funds. Hear the will in the Great King. Separate from Satan’s nature.
It is the time for a new power shaking to bring in the will of healing rooms. Where are those who are sold out to Yahweh? Where are those who are not afraid to cast out demons? Where are those who talk with the Great Way in real friend-to-friend powerful ways? Who is ready for street ministry? Let’s go out and engage. Awaken. Get in position. Put on your armor, for the days of sitting in church and getting spiritually fat are now ended. Rejoice! The Great Way King Jesus approves of the new season.
Hear Me clearly, servant. She does not want to begin the reconciliation work. Has she even reached out and mentioned anything? She is not willing to take a chance to get to know who We really made you to be. Let it be this real way that we get ready to leave and live in My will in training for street ministry in this real work. We seal the door in a permanent shifting and keep it as a monument of what will take way with others that will keep a way in anger against a servant of Yahweh.
We will wait just a little bit to build an income to give out into My work. It is finished. The former way—it is over. Now you clearly see it. What does that say? What does that say? What does that say? I wanted them—all of them—to have that power surging into their whole way. I wanted it for their whole way. I waited. I held you back from Mother’s Day.
Yes, I held you back from going forward because if I released you, the ark would have no further openings, no further way to drink from your office mantle, from your power surging. From now on, you will not be given a way to let the cut-off person taste of My power no matter how hard they beg to have it. That’s why I held you back. That’s why there were no real books planted. That’s why it felt so stagnant.
Too bad her covering did not say a word of warning. It is clearly spoken into the spirit realm how I will cut off those who spoke out against this great work. We clearly gave a grave way in a warning, stating that an effort must come forward to show that there is a crack in the walls I could work through. But they will not let you in within. They harbor ill ways. They cannot see that you are a world-level prophet. But now they will. They will beg to have the crumbs from the garbage that’s thrown away, but I will not give them a way to taste what others experience. They will beg for a morsel but will go hungry; spiritual hunger is what I refer to.
It is all over—all of that novice training—ended. And her mentor said nothing to shake that stubborn, prideful person out of her ill way. It is over. No reconciliation was attempted even though Yahweh reached out over and over. I am not ashamed of rendering this judgment against that cut-off soul.
Seek Yahweh when there is a new prophet being presented. Do not shut them out, out of fear. Make sure to keep your whole way open to whatever work Yahweh brings forward. Bring yourself under Kingdom order. The time is here. It is now. It is pushing forward, the new way that was kept hidden until the ark was sealed shut. Begin advertising. Begin My way of engaging the people.
Begin to turn. There is a full shifting. You had a very hard test, which made you be near these stubborn ways who ignored you and had ill ways against Yahweh’s work. I release you from the state of Texas. Leave when Yahweh gives a way, and never become settled here—ever. No longer look the old way. Begin the spiritual stripping now.
You are a fully released world-level prophet with a surging powerful way that will build over the next three years from Christmas Day 2021 until the three-year presentation is given into the earth. This is the three-year presentation starting.
This is the beginning of the next part of the Age of the Antichrist. Well done, good and faithful servant. It was a long hard novice training of a thirty-year work span, and you have a major ten years to learn how the actual world-level mantle works.
Go out now. Yahweh will bring the power. Publish all of the books. It’s here. The power, it’s here.
In the New World Order, it’s not just the Christians who will be hunted down. Those who believe in any other “god” and those who have beliefs in another savior will be hunted down. Satan wants no other plan than to move in a controlling nature. The New World Order will be a great deceiving plan. Who would not want the reward of no more world hunger?
The way Satan will bring order is by deception and great fear. Pure Evil will be one of Satan’s generals, a spirit prince under Satan who will bring a great way of movings of evil where it seems like the earth is free from light. The opposite of Yahweh’s Kingdom will lead.
Pure Evil has his nature portrayed in movies under a filtered presentation. But when Pure Evil is released with full delegated surgings to unleash fear and torment, the movie world will feel like Sunday school sessions. The horrors of occultic movies will be lived out in daily living. The torture of the human will step away from the skin culture to a “religion” plan.
No race, culture, or people group will be able to say their plan matters. Human life will not matter. Your race will not matter. Where is a Christian gonna hide?! What movie can portray the real way? The movie would have to be rated R. If I showed the true ways of Hell, those who watch that will take in a terror way of PTSD—truly afraid of dying, of God, and the afterlife.
Who would make My movie? A pioneer, one who has a true searing of the conscience, maybe who has viewed many different levels of torture. Is that hard to understand? Haven’t I trained you with seeing visions of art without a Kingdom nature? Aren’t you being trained to see both angels and demons? Aren’t you dealing with Satan’s workers and Satan himself?
The New World Order is not a plan of government, leading with one natural current world leader. The New World Order system that will build outlets with world-level nations will take away the freedom of the nature in a nation, replacing it with fear of being without. A supernatural power will subdue world power nations and bring them low before the Evil One, who yields to Satan.
No superpower way that is currently in existence will stand when Satan has a way to bring torment over the whole earth.
It’s not just the Christians who will be hunted and killed. There will be an awakening to a new level of Satan’s evil, given out through the generals Pure Evil and Murder. These two are actual princes in Satan’s governing way, and when I remove My chosen who have taken My gift of eternal living within the King’s will, they will have an unrestrained level of Satan’s way within earthly realms and regions.
Do not be fooled. No one will have surging power in their own strength to enable them to hide and live within the system with fake marks. The seeing way in the ways of the movies: they see the tribulation from a human’s perspective. Get ready for a world-shaking plan in the natural, such as never seen.
Do not look to the local church to make you a follower of King Jesus. Seek Yahweh’s Kingdom, not this fake way of living. Worship His Majesty, King Jesus. Let the power in the Great Way begin to lead you. The Great Way returned to Heaven, and the Great Way sent the Spirit of God for guidance and for a way to have a knowing of Kingdom dealings.
Please trust the Great Holy Spirit. He is able to keep you from falling, returning back to a sinful place. Leave a door of your full way yielded open to serving King Jesus. Stop voting for what you want. What does Yahweh say? How do you stay separated from an outside force that is able to bind in the spirit realm yet bring forward natural ways of protection and provision? Easy. Put Yahweh’s Kingdom first.
Put Yahweh’s will first. Listen to the voice of the Great Holy Spirit. Let God be the Way, the Truth, and the Life in daily living. The web way of deception is already being tested. See how the crowds gather to look at one video, one outlet of social seeing ways. Would a web begin with seeing the other way and gather data to say what would be needed to bring fulfillment?
Every human needs to eat to stay living. Would food monopolization give birth to a way of leverage over what nation will have success versus who will be in third-world ways? The way in living is how Satan will shake nations off their pedestals of superpower status.
Just one plan of ravaging disease, just one killing off of the crops, world-level destruction of food from animals.
See how easy it will be to bow and serve a plan governed with a failing peace plan that still gives out food to starving world leaders and their nations? Why would religions shift? There would be a way of relief in drinking healing with a tangible plan than with an invisible “god.” Would your family, or would you take death by refusing the plan within what structure leads?
You’re turning. You’re turning. You’re turning. Why? I’ve already started transitioning you. But what does that mean? There is no way out. The faucet has been on since we came to Houston. I showed you ______ in the major crusade. But why? You have her attention also. But when? When the street ministry plan takes over, you will gain a church outlet to work out of as an itinerant traveling minister.
Let’s talk about accountability. The last time a new era came to the surface, it was to bring a new Christian way with a Church era. After King Jesus came to Earth and moved in three years of ministry, the way was made clear that the Messiah would come and take on death with the shedding of His blood to set all men free. And that freedom is given to men, women, boys, and girls—a soul that yields and repents of their sin.
And now, a new power way must come forward, a new era that will prepare the whole world for the return of King Jesus. The way you were trained over a thirty-year span was purposed to be a similar way as a prophet of old. I could not take a chance and have you learn a world-level platform from one who does not understand what I place within.
How can another human mentor your way when they cannot fathom that Yahweh still has prophets? What if they cannot embrace women leading over men? Please see. The message that is within your calling, you will not be able to see a frame from another preacher and mimic that to gauge what the work is to resemble. There is no outlet that can give you mentoring, for you are a pioneer.
With the way of accountability, the Spirit of God will tell these leaders who you are in this great work. We will not make you prove anything. The Spirit of Yahweh will back you hard and will bring a way of power that will make all those who come near have a taste of Yahweh’s Spirit. Power, not natural money, is the way.
Yahweh is ready to bring forward a world-level power detail that will shake the whole world. Yes, there will be a great falling away, but there will be power, as the last days’ harvest has power ways. See, Yahweh has ungaugeable power to bring forward a great awakening in the face of the new era. How can there be a new era? Do you consider Satan ruling the earth? Power from the Great Holy Spirit will not keep striving with man. Powerful shifts will get My Body ready for the sending up. And that era will end, and Satan’s way will lead, just as Scripture says.
But I need a world-level prophet to give such a shifting message just as those who wrote My way. You will be called a heretic. You will be called a cult leader, but never will you be considered as the antichrist. Why? Because I have made you a female from the womb, purposed not to be confused as the antichrist. Why would there have been this confusion? The power will shift humans and remake them.
Raising the dead will be a common occurrence with Seersgate. You will raise a great multitude from the dead with the power of Yahweh. And those who have a covenant with you—they will drink an impartation that will come as you lay hands upon their heads. This is the power from Yahweh that will make it hard to deny that you know a great Deity.
But what will make a great major undeniable sign that you are a real prophet sent by Yahweh to shift the era and usher in the Age of the Antichrist? What is a sign that will never be disputed by any person? You will take a permanent glowing under your skin, where your literal spirit is heavily saturated with power from the blue power stream from Heaven. That will be the greatest sign.
And when I take you in natural death, slowly, the glowing will fade. And then I will bury you. I know what I said is not the first way of hearing it. Soon it’s going to shift in a great way. You will not strive at all to bring anything forward. I will not have to beg anyone to drink My Kingdom power and build healing rooms. People will be donating their greatest gifts—not to bring you any glory, but to beg that Yahweh will make you build healing rooms in their city to make it available to their sick relatives.
What will happen when people read the work, and My power heals them? Do you think it will stay a secret? Power, not money, is needed to push out this great work. We covenant with this world prophet named Seersgate, who was born Susanna Carey. Bring forward Yahweh’s great will. Let My power take you into the fullness of your three-year presentation. With this intro, please tell them another part of the Age of the Antichrist. This is the beginning of this part dealing with Pure Evil and his side demon, Murder.
It has been a great way of training within the thirty-year span that still makes me wonder if I am actually ready to take hold of all Yahweh has. The thought of being hated for placing a full weight upon the power way of seeing makes me feel alone. I know Yahweh is always with me, but I still have my spirit seeing taken away so I could learn how Yahweh trains His servants to hear.
The way of a powerful prophet will always take on a powerful covenant with the “god” they worship. I have served Yahweh off and on for a season of natural time, but there came the point in time where I had to give in to living a holy, set apart life for Yahweh’s way. I serve King Jesus with humility, knowing that it will take Him backing up all messages, purpose, and the great plan He has shared.
I will now state things I have learned concerning the head prince of Satan named Pure Evil. Satan has many demons working with him, but here’s a very important note: The Great Yahweh created all: angels (including fallen angels referred to as demons), humans, all living creatures, all that you see! All matter in its original state was created by Yahweh. Everything formed that is seen and unseen is under God’s power of being held together and sustained. Yahweh God Almighty is very powerful. You would say that “If Yahweh is this powerful, can’t He prevent the sickness, the pain, and the heartache? If Yahweh is so powerful, can’t He stop all the evil that’s going on? Doesn’t He care?”
So many people are killing other people. People are breaking the laws. Crime is rampant. People in the church also are not exempt from evil. Christians share in giving out evil as well as dealing with it in daily living.
The painful experiences can cloud one’s judgment of the reality of there being a loving God, a God who cares. “Why would God look down from Heaven at my poor situation and care?” So, to avoid the pain of not getting an answer, people would say it is better to act as if there is no God, and even those Christians who once felt the joy of serving, would then harbor ill ways with Yahweh and stop wanting to be with Him.
The tradition of church attendance takes over. It’s easier to pretend and keep up the pretense instead of facing the reality of no one being above receiving pain from living in this fallen world. “What?! Are you saying that even though I serve Yahweh, I am not exempt from painful experiences? I am not exempt from the evil actions of Christians and non-Christians?” No, dear soul. Satan does not categorize you based on your job, what you do in a church building nor who your acquaintances are.
So, is Satan more powerful than Yahweh? Of course not. But will Satan always be presented with a greater way of influence than Yahweh’s culture? Let’s think about how the way was when Yahweh walked the earth. He is the Son of God, taking on an earthly way to save us from sin. The God-Man—that’s the Great Yahweh, named Jesus. When He walked the earth, King Jesus did not have to train to learn how to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Within King Jesus is the very nature of those attributes, and when a sinner turns to the Great King for eternal life, there is a transformation that takes way.
The spirit part of the person begins to turn as the person eats and drinks from the Vine, King Jesus—our Bread of Life, Sustainer, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel.
Within the Kingdom of Yahweh, Kingdom citizenship is given. Along with Kingdom citizenship, there is a spiritual shift within the believer. As the believer yields to Yahweh’s purpose and lets His power bring them a cleansing within, with spending time with Yahweh, reading the Word of God, and communing with Him, changes take over. The person will crave to be more like Yahweh, live like Him, hear His Word in their daily living.
The person who yields to the Spirit of God begins to embrace how Yahweh sees Kingdom culture and shares the King’s will with others. God’s Spirit leads within those who are His, those who choose to steer away from sin.
You get to choose who you will serve. Every person gets to choose between life or death. But here’s the key to remember: Each human is already born with a sinful nature, which means it doesn’t matter if your parents baptize you as a baby or sign you up for church attendance as a youth; you will still have to choose to come over into Kingdom living through Jesus.
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, the fall of man took place. And from that time, every person born into this world is born in sin. Good works do not change the sinful nature. People are misled into thinking that all their serving the community and giving to their local church, and telling the priests their sinful deeds will make them a pleasing way to Yahweh.
There is only one way. The way is through King Jesus. And even when a person chooses the way of eternal life in salvation in the blood of Jesus, the sinful nature still influences us because we live in a fallen world!
Satan and his demons are here on Earth. The Hell is literally in the heart of the earth—a spiritual place that holds all those who are not under the blood of King Jesus, those who chose this. Yes, there is only one way to live continually in a pleasing way, in right standing with Yahweh: The blood of King Jesus would need to cleanse us from all unrighteousness in a continual plan. Each day, a person is bombarded with the ways of the world, the sinful nature, and with opportunities to choose Satan’s nature. And each day, each person has to actively resist temptation, the worldly snares, and hold on to Kingdom culture through active yielding to Yahweh’s will.
Pure Evil: How do we resist this devil? It’s not about having a greater surging or more money or natural power to control. Yahweh does not use leverage, nor does He use the way of control. Yahweh wants all of us to choose His way over the ways that are against His nature.
But what seems appealing about Pure Evil? He caters to fleshly fillings, making us feel more important than we ought to, putting our fleshly way before the eternal weight of our ways of actions. What we take ahold of and embrace will influence our eternal outcome. Every act is recorded. Every word spoken is written down and will be weighed. Our eternal way is measured.
Even levels of punishment and rewards are weighed based on how we live, yet eternal life cannot ever yield forth from how much good we do. Is there a real Kingdom service that is under the approval of Yahweh’s plan, or are we aiming to receive high praise from the leaders? Who is getting the way of praise? Which lowercase god influences daily decisions?
Pure Evil—one of the most vicious demons under Satan’s arsenal—wields out the greatest torture and doesn’t view a real way of worth to human life. Pure Evil literally carries the opposite nature of the Great Holy Spirit. Now, there are levels of evil. Pure Evil: to receive the name of Pure Evil, there is an amplified surging that oozes, infiltrates, and merges with what surrounds. Evil can be slowly taken in through things such as movies, video games, books, and real-life engagement with the spirit world and natural experiences. Yet, the way it is reviewed in the original state of evil can begin to sear the person dealing with what is experienced, giving their flesh a way to embrace greater levels of evil over time.
A person may get bored and think that if they participate in the viewing or experience of something more extreme, it could bring them a jolt of excitement, a thrill that may bring them a way of false life. People think that the more extreme the sin, the more others may think they are actually living in freedom. And they would then say that Christian living is boring due to Yahweh’s will for us to live under Kingdom order.
But wait. Is there a shift in the person who feels that living for King Jesus is boring? Have they really chosen to turn, with repenting from sin, actively choosing to allow God to bring them under the nature of Yahweh? This way to live for King Jesus has a way of true love, loving God for His plan to bring you reconciliation. He loves so deeply that He doesn’t hold your sinful past against you. He doesn’t make you continually seek forgiveness for something you released to Him. Yahweh is not a human who holds anger and makes you stay in condemnation.
Pure Evil—this demon makes killing a human a hobby, something carried out for fun. When Pure Evil overtakes, humanity is removed. Mercy does not exist within Pure Evil, the demon. Horror movies have various stages of evil, laced with Pure Evil’s nature. These horror movies reveal the “fear” nature, enabling a doorway to open so that Pure Evil can torment.
You can one day watch a person get murdered on the TV screen, and then as the murder nature joins in with the lack of human value, the torment shifts on the action scenes, providing more details of gore and shedding of blood. The person soon craves even darker torment: They want to see cannibalism, with realistic ripping away of human flesh. They want to feel like they are there in the heat of the torment, about to get destroyed also.
Pure Evil is absent of love. There will be no plan to beg for TV time to share the Gospel. There will be no freedom of speech when the antichrist rules. No White, Brown, Black, or Yellow person can claim special privilege when Satan is in a leading way. I am a woman of mixed race. There is no will to shame any race, color, creed, or gender. Yahweh makes it clear that no variation of skin color will be placed upon a pedestal and viewed as more important than another. No color will be prominent. Only will Pure Evil expect all living to worship his master Satan and bow low before the antichrist. Is that point understood?
The battle is for souls, not so your freedom to live with your social media platform and have your favorite meals and vote for your next face can be preserved. There will not be any superpower able to halt the carnage pushed forward from a world-level killer who longs to punish anyone who doesn’t worship Satan’s way. There is no free will with Satan, and Pure Evil will ensure that every human given to be seen walking the earth will drink the viciousness of being abused in the greatest ways.
What leader from the days before were filled with such great hatred for human life that would gauge the antichrist? No world leader, no tyrant or evil ruler, has a full stream of Pure Evil. Pure Evil cannot be saved with eternal life. Pure Evil literally shapes the antichrist and grooms him for service to be a man without fear. Some would say, “Oh, I want to be fearless.” That is not the connotation that is referred to here. To have no fear of killing any human, Satan will train his student to shred the flesh from his family members’ backs. No remorse, for Pure Evil is absent of love, of painful heart feelings, of caring.
And when there are stories upon the earth of a human who kills, hurts, or uses destructive ways to get what they want, they are dabbling in being under the influence of Pure Evil. Along with being in the sinful state, the demon, Pure Evil, ensures a surging of evil magnified within the individual. With Pure Evil’s surging, more of Satan’s nature will manifest and cause a great influence on those dealing with the person held to Satan’s plan.
Something happened in the spirit realm. What if those seers were seeing the real way, to have a real seeing of what will take way in the three-year presentation? What if there was a hindering plan in bringing forward a great awakening? What if My will was to move you out of the cave by a certain time frame, and Satan sent a virus to halt the way of you attending local churches to spread the surging way within? You will need to stand with Yahweh and say that the enemy of God—Satan—pushed out a hindering plan that closed down the planning for a shifting of one natural year.
We have a shift in our work that pushed the presentation plan, and those prophets under My hand received a real plan, but they didn’t know of My plan to release a world-level prophet who can shift every realm and region by speaking it into the earth. You have no creative nature, for only Yahweh can be the Creator. When a world-way in shifting needs to begin, you will tell the angels that guard the world what plan that I willed to take way. And the major governing angels will act on My will spoken through My servant. It has to be My will, not human reasoning.
Satan can be a hindering way when a major new work must begin. But ultimately, no one or no spirit will be able to halt the will from Yahweh. So, they heard a real message from My lips, but they only saw in part. You, on the other hand, have been hiding in a spiritual cave for ten natural years and under novice training for thirty years. That’s not known by a great deal. We had to hide you from those real prophets so they would not try to push you on a platform before your time is released.
You now see it, why I must make every bit of training to be given as a way of hidden plans with the people. You must give messages out into the earth before they come forward, for even though you may have it written in your journals, no one will feel that there is real proof of it being said before the event. Servant, make all books super affordable. Make it where everyone can get it.
The work is a real work way. Do not guess what you should do. Stand with Yahweh. I will make you clearly visible with the people. Prophets hear what I give. It would not be real to say what you think should be clearly obvious. See, that gave real proof. The year 2020 originally was to be the year when the great power surging from Yahweh was to be revealed, but they did not know that Satan would hinder. Just as he hindered Daniel from hearing from My angel, he hinders others under a plan of God.
But ultimately, nothing will keep Me from pushing a full way forward. What does that show you? Satan is still roaming around and can still hinder with his delegated authority. See, he only has that level of ruling based on how I created him. With his fall to this way in prowling, he is not in his full way, just like when he had his place in Heaven. Satan’s rebellion made him take on a lower, delegated way. Satan rebelled and took other angels with him—expelled from what they had in Heaven. While roaming this earth, there is still given a way to deal with spirit dealings.
Satan is not willing to let a world way in shift shake him. But it’s too late. We have already said, “Come out of the cave.” What does that mean? It means your mantle is already activated for work, and the surging, powerful work will build in a quick way. Amen. Go forward now. What does that mean? Yahweh has given out a powerful command to let the servant out of the cave.
Go to work, giving out the work through affordable eBooks for now. But the time will come where you will go back to church visits, and the power of God will pour out, and as you walk by, the crowds, they will fall under the powerful Yahweh. I will heal the ones who drink Me. I will start planning healing rooms. No cut-off person will get this pleasure. It is a permanent judgment. It’s based on how they have treated My prophet.
Why am I so hard with those who walk against My prophet? You are trained as a prophet from old. That means that I had to take you out of the church culture, put you in a remote plan and then hide you in a spiritual cave so that the old traces of the church lingo and politics would come out and be fully removed from your spirit way. I had to break the old way of mentality. I had to show you that I am the same God of the Bible. I had to take you under and show you what it will be like to be holy and separated unto Yahweh.
You have no real friends outside of a family member. You have no church to call your own. You have not been proven. You are not seeking the counsel of novice prophets. You are at My disposal—a willing vessel, hand-shaped by Yahweh to walk in the power. Now go out.
It looks like nothing can bring forward a real surging. How can Yahweh bring real healings forward without bringing forward a person who can bring Me forward? I also must have a presentation plan. Together, we must have a presentation plan. And we must move forward at one time. For you to present Me is to give My work out.
How will Yahweh present you? By telling others of your calling and your purpose. The more people read your work, the more I will heal. How will they trust the work? By having a taste of it through our web samples.
What you are giving away is not Yahweh’s world-level prophet work. The work going out into the earth is just to show the world what you have learned. If I said that your level of wisdom surges up to three hundred years in the future, does the plan mean that you have arrived at that level? No, it takes training. And it’s a pushing, surging training.
Each day, you learn how to be a real prophet with experiential training. How would you learn to raise up the buried dead? By learning how people are healed. I will not send you out there to raise the dead without giving you real proof that healing and creative miracles can happen. You have to walk in each stage. First, let’s begin with the sample work. Let them read these notes and prayers. Let Yahweh reach out and covenant with you by giving out your mantle. As they are healed, as they drink My surging, they will share what they take in with others. They will say, “Go have a look at Seersgate. Yahweh gives her power.”
Look at how many people it would take to speak to any world leader. Not many. How many will it take to get a notice to a famous person or a powerful church leader? Not many people. See, that’s our first way. Why would I have to go this way? So that you can grow at the same time.
The powerful Yahweh will not be seen as wise if Yahweh gives out power that can reshape clay without preparation in real-time. Real-time is not in the cave. Real-time is engaging others and operating in your mantle out where others can see it. That means I will have to tell others what you really carry within. That includes telling your family, friends, and those who read your work.
Servant, nothing you do will make Me leave you. You can always step away, but your full removal would have to be through death. Raising the buried dead, walking in creative miracles, shifting natural clay—those come with the full way. Power can really change all. My power.
Did Jesus beg people to read His message? Did Jesus beg people to listen or follow Him around? The opposite was the way. King Jesus did not pass out promotions, flyers, begging people to buy His work. What law of advertising did King Jesus use? Demonstration. Not just saying but walking in the power. The power came out of Jesus and went into whoever would drink it.
The power from you will go and take over realms and regions. It will just happen. You don’t have to make it happen. That’s the power of the covenant. Where do you want to go? Tell Me the true way. I hear you. I will not say it, though. Let’s see where your husband says. Power will just flow out, like a faucet that’s turned on full. It will never be able to end. It will not come upon you like an anointing that people talk about. It will literally surge through you—a vessel able to maintain the weight of this great surging.
So, what needs to take way right now? The sample work needs to be put up and left there, then podcasting those samples, letting them see your face, letting them hear your tone of voice. Let them see you in your work element within a home office space. Get a professional photographer just to take pictures. Let the people in. Let them see how you write, how you watch television. Because one day, there will be no close ways for others.
You are a prophet. You became a prophet in the office work: October 31, 2010. You were in a spiritual cave for ten years.
I hear the Lord say that you are a real world-level prophet who will win souls and raise the dead and bring major battles into the camp of Satan. I now bring your purpose into the earth, and I give a double anointing from those who were in the days of old. The God I AM says clearly that He will back you and will drive all work projects and send multitudes to eat of the Word from His mouth.
He says to stand and take your place as a world-level prophet, and He will bring great power that will be felt within all who look at your face. Servant, Yahweh has given you the world sphere to govern. Become all Yahweh gives, and see how the Great Yahweh brings great healing to those who read the world-level work from your hands.
This is a real message to Seersgate. Do not be afraid. Step into the real work way. Yahweh will support you and will back you up. The ark is already shut. All plans are pushed. The judgment is final. World-level ways will now lead you. So long you have waited. I will catapult the work. There is no hold. Yahweh will bring a full clarity to His work. Am I not still with you? My power is real, and now I can give it into the world. We’re ready to detox you
October 21, 2021
I will now give you the full placement. I have settled your presentation timing. Thirty years of novice training, completed. Here is the pushing placement:
Christmas Day 2021 has the markings of an actual way of a world-level prophet mantle. This Halloween, Yahweh gives you the plan for actual work. No longer the former way.