
Yahweh brings forward letters, judgments, and course corrections, reflecting how He views various placements. Yes, Yahweh is angry, but not in flesh-filled ways. Here, Yahweh says to come and learn of His way of bringing awareness. These entries give a taste of seeing from Yahweh's perspective so we can begin to understand Yahweh's wisdom, His view of actions produced from daily living and governmental order, both in natural and spiritual ways.

Letter Fourteen: TB, the Demon Converser
“How T.B. Joshua was still a prophet.”
November 14, 2024
3:36 p.m. Houston
Seersgate, you feel Me surging. We waited close to a full natural year to say what Yahweh now gives you this day. Talking with you over the months gave a sealing in Yahweh’s plans. Yahweh will continue to review churches that state they carry Yahweh in their building. But this person is dead. The letter is an overview. Write it out exactly as Yahweh states.
Manipulation is a common trait in many church leaders. Why would I not make that such a major deal here? That is why—because there are so many churches that harbor manipulation. To point out one church and make that their scapegoat trait would not benefit the whole Body. But why is manipulation a baseline that most cults or controlling outlets carry? Manipulation gets those who follow a plan to bring their vision forward.
Look at the actions of prosperity preachers. They also walk with manipulation, making promises that Yahweh did not say. They lie on Yahweh and think that Yahweh is going to back their way. Manipulation is joined with a deceptive nature. A lying spirit stays attached to the ones who carry deception and bring fake healing and wealth, making Yahweh appear to be a genie that grants wishes.
How can TB take on a nature that is kingdom-based with heavy manipulation moving in his work? Easy. Covenant. Tell Me, how long did it take to kill King Saul after David was anointed? Saul entered a death sentence when Yahweh stated it, but it had to begin to come forward in the fullness of natural events.
I take My time with this one because of the web he laid. How can a prophet have Yahweh’s covenant yet spew out venom that would slowly kill? Take a look at Yahweh’s way of seeing. Five parts will come forward.
Take a look at what an actual creature called a spider does. Natural spiders can be of great help in killing off bugs. But in what way will spiritual spider traits have with a church structure? Spiritual spider traits present in a church structure to the person as a way of help, yielding false hope that they will be delivered—but only by that particular church. Spiritual spider traits infiltrate and give a trapped feeling that will not leave based on serving in that particular church. A trapped feeling in a church outlet will make the “hopeless prey” think that no other church can give them what the current “spider” (deceptive church) has. The “spider” (deceptive church) lays out a constructive web that gives a lure of happy feelings and special treats, presenting “fake hope” at the doorway, making a person think, “Here is where you drink the way of hope that no other location or person can give.”
The outlets of Christian ways and secular outlets of entertainment, business, and government may take in spider traits and make a person feel that if they do not partner with a particular entity, they will be without hope and would fail in their purpose. Joshua here, this scapegoat, is still operating even in death with those who cover his ways of ministry and mimic his acts. How can Yahweh give a platform to someone who had a hand in giving such heartbreaking experiences within the ones who were giving him a way of indentured service? Is this Yahweh’s fault? Should God be blamed for how a wounded man came forward and governed under demonic power ways?
With such a span of influence, would Yahweh get the praise for building up a platform? You see why the plan of checking how many follow a person will not give a backing that Yahweh is standing with their way? Prophets of old were without large platforms, but they were empowered with My pushing to bring power to My Word. Many prophets spoke with barely a crowd and were killed because those who heard their words didn’t like what they heard. They killed real prophets, but the crowds in this current time praise the prophets and place them up on a pedestal, looking to their way for healing.
Point One
What is the primary job of a prophet? To turn the hearts of the people back to Yahweh by saying what Yahweh says. The prophet must not have a way to receive worship. Everyone who preaches that they are a little god—they are against Yahweh!
Point Two
Every “prophet” who says they can give a created placement and speak things into their reality is a liar. No human can yield forward creation as if they are God. No human can create matter by speaking a word. Stop being deceived.
Point Three
Every man or woman who stands in your hearing and says that Jesus was only a man is telling lies and carries a false placement. They turn you away from the One True God. Jesus is I AM (Yahweh), and even while He performed miracles on Earth, Yahweh King Jesus was never just a man. Study the hearing, labeled “Hypostatic Union,” for an earthly way of understanding.
Point Four
You are a “fool” if you think Yahweh will heal you if you pay money. Yahweh says these words with a gentle yet stern presentation: Do not pay anyone for faith healing. Do not pay your money to gain a miracle. There is only one Mediator: King Jesus. Yahweh heals, however, whenever and to whom Yahweh states. No human can make Yahweh bring healing, and I will not deal favorably with the ones who tell a deception to gain that sick person’s money.
Point Five
The disease of master trickery and deception has infiltrated the church outlets. TB was not the first to yield multiple forms of presentation. How has the way looked? When you are afraid of losing your relationship with God when you make a leader angry or don’t question them out of fear of going to hell, your leader is now your god. No human can stop you from having a relationship with Yahweh WITH DIRECT ENGAGEMENT. Come to Yahweh without any reservation.
Point Six
We barely had to listen seven minutes into one of his sermons and could see the placement of his deadliest trait:
"TB Joshua is human. Prophet TB Joshua is divine…Everyone has two nature(s) in one person."
If people actually read the Word of God and meditate on it, there would be a way to really see, even by logic, without Spirit leading, through study; there is an understanding that no human can become a god with Yahweh traits.
Point Seven
(From Joshua) "The Bible can no longer come alive because we read the Bible with so much unforgiveness."
That is a lie straight from the pit of Hell. The Word of Yahweh, the Books put in a contained way, will not hold power based on how the human state stands. Your human way will not determine the active way written in Scripture. The Word of God is active, based on Yahweh's active power pushing authoritative standing, bringing forward the active way in prophetic sayings.
Point Eight
I must go to the root. I must look at doctrine, the person’s way of living. You cannot look at miracles, signs, and wonders as proof that a minister is Mine. Points to look at: What are they saying? Are they putting lowercase gods before Yahweh?
In less than twenty-five minutes of watching one of TB’s sermons, he blasphemed Yahweh TO THE ROOT. The root of the tree is rotten. And so will its fruit.
Point Nine
Master Deceiver, a very powerful demon, must be reviewed by the Church, for there is great deception. A minister can cry out, “Jesus is Lord,” yet they sin and tell you to worship other gods, including making your way as your own lowercase god. When they do this, it shows that their root is rotten, regardless of how much good they do and how many poor people they feed. In a scenario, out of their 100 percent of service, their 98 percent good works will burn up while I throw them in the lake of fire. The 2 percent of blasphemous sayings will seal them due to a root action from their heart, for I will not covenant with them. And when there is no covenant in salvation with King Jesus by the power of the Great Holy Spirit, one is not Mine.
Point Ten: Prepare for a New Way
I have a problem with lowercase gods. I destroyed many nations based on their worship of lowercase gods. I slayed the wicked based on their sinful way against Me. With grace covering the CHURCH ERA, many feel there will be a plan to withhold judgment. Be made aware. TB was the only one mentioned in this grouping. Yet many of those living carry TB’s placings of putting their human way in a god placement. They view themselves as a little god or divine. Be made aware. The age of the antichrist is an overlapping plan, and within that way, there will be a stripping away. And Yahweh’s anger will not be held back.
Ending to the Entry Note
The way of trusting what you can see has taken the place of putting faith in Yahweh and what is stated in the written Word. You trust a man based on how you see people slither on a concrete slab. What about trusting what Yahweh says through the written Word?
*** Still to come: Parts 1-5.